Friday, April 25, 2008

Bulleit Bourbon - Flash Landing Page

A month ago we launched Bulleit Bourbon's mini-shop. I did the Flash Animation for the stores landing page. It took me a while to post this because I wasn't really sure if it was worth showing. Anyhow, what the hell check it out for yourself

Unit Testing with FlexUnit

Great article by InsideRIA on Unit Testing and using Adobe's Unit Testing framework FlexUnit.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New Painting in Progress

The girls and I had a art session on the 12th. I believe this is the second largest painting I've worked on. Check out what I have so far.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

KitchenSync Open-Source Animation (ActionScript) Library

KitchenSync was designed for developers who want a smart way to handle animation or other time-based functionality with code. Written from the ground up in ActionScript 3.0, KitchenSync relies on smart object-oriented architecture rather than complicated shorthand. It includes a number of features and shortcuts, such as the clone() method, that save effort for developers. KitchenSync makes extensive use of events and informative runtime errors and is quite flexible when it comes to extending the functionality.

AMF3 PHP Server Objects to Flex Client

Sweet article on AMF3 PHP with Flex.

AMF3 PHP Server Object to Flex Client Object Relational Mapping

Getting Started with WebORB for PHP (An Alternative to AMFPHP)

Introduction to SQLite in Adobe AIR

I'm really posting this for archive purposes. Check out Pete Elst's session on SQLite in Adobe Air. I love it when they record their sessions.

Monday, April 14, 2008

FlashCodersNY Meetig & Arduino Board

Seb from London visited our FlashCodersNY meeting a couple of weeks ago. He did a demonstration on the ever so popular Arduino board. It was awesome, and I learned lots that evening. I also had the pleasure of meeting Moses Supposes. Click here to see the video.

Using PureMVC

Yee Peng Chia has written a very useful tutorial on implementing an MVC into your advanced flash project. This tutorial uses PureMVC, which is an already setup framework for anyone wanting a pre-packaged design pattern framework. Her tutorial is dedicated to Flash Designers who are transitioning over to more OOP and AS3 environment. Check it out.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I Love Play-Doh

At the office this morning I was given some clay. I forgot how fun it is to sculpt. This is what I came up with in 15 mins.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wunderman's new Logo

Last week, Wunderman's new logo was put up in the lobby.

New Painting + Thai-Lovin

I've been experimenting with acrylics again. Last year, around this time I did a few Colour Pencil Illustrations. It's been awhile since I've messed with paints but as you can see I'm getting my groove slightly back.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

May 1s 2008 Reboot

This morning I woke up at 6 in a hurry to my desk. I had some ideas on fixing my portfolio section of the newly (in development) Sweeties and Gangsters site. This site has been in the making (mainly conceptually) since my trip to San Fran last summer. I have done much altering around and finally settled on a strong idea. I have now been in production for a month now. I have to say, it will be quite a complicated site as far as the dynamism. I have never built anything at this level of difficulty - from Design aesthetics to data modeling and structural design. I can't wait to release the beta version May 1st, 2008. I was blog reading a few moments ago and noticed the May 1st Reboot site has been re-designed. It's crunch time now, I have only 4 weeks till the launch of Sweeties and Gangsters; it's exciting!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Winner of Adobe Cut & Paste Competition

Explore by 3 Wagon was completely created with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe AfterEffects. Pretty sweet overall execution, not bad for using 2D Imagery. Check out the Finalist page for more videos.

The Fall

The story is set in Los Angeles, circa 1920 and involves a little girl that has been hospitalized to recover from a fall. She strikes up a friendship with a bedridden man who begins weaving her into a fanciful story that helps her escape the confines of the hospital and whisks her away into the world of imagination.

Identity Crisis - Sweet Fashion for Women

I came across identityCRISIS and was hooked on Karly Hand's eye for color. With her fantastic skill in "3-dimension collaging", I can definitely see lots of ladies in NYC rocking her stuff. I may have to purchase something for my lady.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Behind Every Great Inventor, There Is His Adversary

I'm always fascinated by new inventions. What entices me is not usually the invention itself but the inventor. The intriguing part is that quite a few intellects, inventors, philosophers and even scientists deem themselves in a godly like ability. Okay, I don't mind that; The point is that no one man can just come up with an idea and expect it not to be replicated. We are people who can think on many levels, and to view one has the only source of creation, would be insane. I read this article this morning on inventions that have already be thought of and how all the inventors would race to the patents' office; Some inventors couldn't even afford to legalize their inventions in time. So their are many creators out there that are not taken noticed. Truly, we all want to be acknowledged for our talents. Check out the article at the New York Times site.